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* Denotes equal contribution of authorship

Takagui, F. H., Rubert, M., Dionisio, J. F., Baumgärtner, L., Cardoso, Y. P., Jerep, F. C., & Giuliano-Caetano, L. 2023. Cytogenetic Markers Reinforce the Redescription of the Armored Pleco Hypostomus spiniger (Loricariidae-Hypostominae), an Endemic Species in the Uruguay River Basin and Patos Lagoon System. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 66, e23220154.

G. AguileraG. Terán, J. M. MirandeF. AlonsoG. Miranda ChumaceroY. P. CardosoS. BoganD. Faustino-Fuster. 2022. An integrative approach method reveals the presence of a previously unreported species of Imparfinis Eigenmann and Norris 1900 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) in Argentina. Journal of Fish Biology. 10.1111/jfb.15197.

M. González-Castro*, Y. P. Cardoso*, Hughes, L. C., Ortí, G. 2022. Hybridization is strongly constrained by salinity during secondary contact between silverside fishes (Odontesthes, Atheriniformes). Heredity. 10.1038/s41437-022-00555-9.

Y. Briñoccoli, Bogan, Sergio, Arcila, Dahiana, Rosso, Juan J., Mabragaña, Ezequiel, Delpiani, Sergio, Diaz de Astarloa, Juan Martín &

Y. P. Cardoso. 2022. Molecular and morphological evidence revalidates Acrobrycon tarijae (Characiformes, Characidae) and shows hidden diversity. ZooKeys, Volume 1091, Pages 99 - 117. 10.3897/zookeys.1091.73446.

Lustosa-Costa S. Y., Sergio Bogan, Luiz Jardim de Queiroz, Juan I. Montoya-Burgos, Ariel Paracampo, Tomas Maiztegui & Y. P. Cardoso. 2021. Distribution extension of Hypostomus uruguayensis in Argentina and first record for Bolivia. Molecular, morphology and biogeography data. Zootaxa.

Y. Briñoccoli, L. J. de Queiroz, A. Paracampo, P. Posadas, G. Somoza, J. Montoya-Burgos & Y. P. Cardoso, 2021. Multifactorial genetic divergence processes drive the onset of speciation in Jenynsia fishes. Ecology and Evolution.


Y. P. Cardoso*, L. J. de Queiroz*, I. Bahechar, P. Posadas & J. Montoya-Burgos, 2021. Multilocus phylogeny and historical biogeography of Hypostomus shed light on the processes of fish diversification in La Plata Basin. Scientific Reports. DOI : 10.1038/s41598-021-83464-x482df231- 40c6-4e58-8063-22d47fbb7304.

Abello, M. A., Martin, G. & Cardoso, Y. P. 2021. Review of the extinct shrew-opossums (Marsupialia: Caenolestidae), with descriptions of three new species from the early Miocene of Southern South America. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Hughes, L.C., Cardoso, Y. P., Sommer, J.A., Cifuentes, R., Cuello, M., Somoza, G.M., Gonzalez- Castro, M., Malabarba, L.R., Cussac, V., Habit, E.M., Betancur-R, R. & Orti, G. 2020. Biogeography, habitat transitions and hybridization in a radiation of South American silverside fishes revealed by mitochondrial and genomic RAD data. Molecular Ecology. 29, 738-751. DOI:10.1111/mec.15350.

Jardim de Queiroz, L., Cardoso, Y. P., Jacot-des-Combes, C., Bahechar, I.A., Lucena, C.A., Rapp Py-Daniel, L., Sarmento Soares, L.M., Nylinder, S., Oliveira, C., Parente, T.E., Torrente-Vilara, G., Covain, R., Buckup, P. & Montoya-Burgos, J.I., 2019. Evolutionary units delimitation and continental multilocus phylogeny of the hyperdiverse catfish genus Hypostomus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 145, 106711.

Cardoso, Y.P., Brancolini, F., Protogino, L., Paracampo, A., Bogan, S., Posadas, P. & Montoya- Burgos, J.I., 2019. An integrated approach clarifies the cryptic diversity in Hypostomus Lacepede 1803 from the Lower La Plata Basin. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 91, e20180131. doi:10.1590/0001- 3765201920180131

A. Almiron, S. Bogan, Y. P. Cardoso, L. Ciotek, P. Giorgis & J. Casciotta. 2019. Primer registro de Oligosarcus pintoi Campos, 1945 (Characiformes, Characidae) en aguas continentales de Argentina. Historia Natural 9(2):41-50.

A. Bertora, F. Grosman, P. Sanzano, Y. P. Cardoso & J. J. Rosso. 2018. Taxonomic revision of the southernmost population of Hypostomus commersoni Valenciennes, 1836 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) and comments on dispersal routes. Historia Natural 8(5):25-34.

Y. Brinoccoli, S. Bogan, J.M. Meluso & Y. P. Cardoso . 2018. Actualización de la distribución de Rhamdella aymarae y discusión sobre su posición filogenética molecular. Rev. Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., n.s, 20(2): 323-332.

Y. P. Cardoso*, J. J. Rosso*, E. Mabragana, M. González-Castro, M. S. Delpiani, E. Avigliano, S. Bogan, R. Covain, N. Schenone & J. M. Diaz de Astarloa. 2018. A continental-wide molecular approach unraveling mtDNA diversity and geographic distribution of the Neotropical genus Hoplias. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202024. journal.pone.0202024.

J. J. Rosso, M. Gonzaléz-Castro, S. Bogan, Y. P. Cardoso, E. Mabragana, M. S. Delpiani & J. M. Díaz de Astarloa. 2018. Integrative taxonomy reveals a new species of the Hoplias malabaricus species complex (Teleostei: Erythrinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of freshwater, 28: 193-288.

F. Alonso, G. E. Terán, P. Calvino, I. García, Y. P. Cardoso & G. García. 2018. An endangered new species of seasonal killifish of the genus Austrolebias (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheiloidei) from the Bermejo river basin in the Western Chacoan Region. PLoS ONE 13(5): e0196261.

M. B. Cabrera, S. Bogan, P. Posadas, G. M. Somoza, J. I. Montoya-Burgos & Y. P. Cardoso. 2017. Risks associated with introduction of poeciliids for control of mosquito larvae: first record of the non-native Gambusia holbrooki in Argentina. Journal of Fish Biology, 91: 704-710.

S. Bogan & Y. P. Cardoso. 2017. Revisión de la distribución de Glanidium ribeiroi Haseman, 1911 en la Argentina (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae). Rev. Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., n.s., 19: 1-7.

Y. P. Cardoso, F. Brancolini, A. Paracampo, M. Lizarralde, R. Covain & J. I. Montoya- Burgos. 2016. Hypostomus formosae, a new catfish species from the Paraguay River Basin with redescription of H. boulengeri (Siluriformes: Loricariidae). Ichthyological Exploration of freshwater, 27: 9-23

Y. P. Cardoso & S. Bogan. 2015. Ampliación de la distribución de Trichomycterus barbouri (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) para la Argentina. Rev. Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., n.s., 17: 1-5.

Y. P. Cardoso, S. Bogan, J.M. Meluso, A. Jauregui, M.B. Cabrera & M. Lizarralde. 2015. A contribution to the checklist of fishes of San Luis province, Argentina. Check List, 11: 1760.

Y. P. Cardoso, S. Bogan, J.M. Meluso & Valeria Bauni. 2015. First records of Corydoras polystictus (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae: Corydoradinae) from the province of Misiones, Northeast Argentina. Ichthyological Contributions of Peces Criollos 37: 1-4.

Y. P. Cardoso, S. Bogan, J.M. Meluso & Valeria Bauni. 2015. Presencia de Corydoras ehrhardti Steindacher, 1910 en Argentina. Historia Natural 5 (1): 21-27.

S. Bogan, J. M. Meluso, V. Bauni & Y. P. Cardoso. 2015. Cuatro nuevos registros de peces para la provincia de Misiones, Argentina. Historia Natural 5 (2): 29-40.

M. Gabrielli, Y. P. Cardoso, V. Benitez, A. Gozzi, M. L. Guichon & M. Lizarralde. 2014. Genetic characterization of Callosciurus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) Asiatic squirrels introduced in Argentina. Italian Journal of Zoology, 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/11250003.2014.940006

M. Fasanella, C. Bruno, Y. P. Cardoso & M. Lizarralde. 2013.Historical demography and spatial genetic structure of the subterranean rodent Ctenomys magellanicus in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 169: 697-710.

M. Schiaffini, M. Gabrielli, F. Prevosti, Y. P. Cardoso, D. Castillo, R. Bo, E. Casannave & M. Lizarralde. 2013. Taxonomic status of southern South American Conepatus Gray 1837 (Carnivora: Mephitidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 167: 327-344.

Y. P. Cardoso, A. Almirón, J. Casciotta, D. Aichino, M. Lizarralde & J. I. Montoya-Burgos. 2012. Origin of species diversity in the catfish genus Hypostomus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) inhabiting the Parana river basin, with the description of a new species. Zootaxa, 3453: 69-83.

Y. P. Cardoso, F. Brancolini, L. Protogino & M. Lizarralde. 2011. Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae, Hypostomus aspilogaster (Cope, 1894). Distribution extension and first record for Argentina. Molecular, morphometric and meristic data. Check List, 7: 596-598.

Y. P. Cardoso & J. I. Montoya-Burgos. 2009. Unexpected diversity in the catfish Pseudancistrus brevispinis reveals dispersal routes in a Neotropical center of endemism: the Guyanas Region. Molecular Ecology, 18: 947-964. 

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